Gian Pietro Manzoni
The Teacher
Invite to reflect on life, existence, and choices through his works. They are the result of his personal exploration of the human experience, where light and shadows meet and reflect upon each other.
His sculptures constitute an invitation to approach art as an explorative experience, a personal journey to discover our feelings and emotions in relation to the world around us.
Le forme astratte di Manzoni fluttuano nello spazio, come i nostri pensieri. L’acciaio ad alto spessore, come per magia, diventa leggero e riflette la vita, le relazioni tra le persone, le interazioni tra gli elementi del mondo e la nostra capacità di percepire e comprendere lo spazio intorno a noi.
Manzoni represents a unique combination of technical and artistic skills, making his works intriguing to observe and interpret.
Nicoletta Tamarindo
Art Director
Domus Nova Gallery